This category contains the best games of all time, which took their positions in this rating, because it was Popular Games that players named the best of the best.

What is Popular Games?

You should understand that the Popular Games category does not include the games that are the best in quality, graphics, design, the most interesting storyline or the coolest technology. Here are collected games that are the most popular and favorite among players. Often this happens with games that are very simple and even primitive in their plot, structure of the game world and gameplay. It's just that the game suddenly becomes a hit, and it can't always be explained.

The Popular Games category contains just such games - unconditional hits that got into this rating due to the choice of users.

Top of Popular Games Rankings

The undisputed record holder of all ratings and the holder of the title of the most popular game is the famous Minecraft. It is hard to imagine a computer game lover who does not know this game. This is an adventure game with fantasy elements and the possibility of a game world editor.

Another popular game is the action game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the plot of which takes place in the Middle Ages. This game combines elements of quest and racing, driving and puzzle.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a real hit of the gaming world. 2, which is designed and created in the shooter genre. The plot of this game is set in the post-apocalypse world.

Also, many players have identified in the Popular Games rating the game Resident Evil 3, which is made in the horror genre and combines elements of a puzzle, a shooter and a quest.

The Popular Games category includes the famous evil birds that conquered the whole world and even became heroes of the cinema.

Which games qualify for Popular Games?

Games can become popular, the plot of which has the ability to draw the player in and make him return to the game all the time. These can be games of various genres and directions, but if they have the ability to hook the player with their plot, then this game is doomed to success.

Also, games with a charismatic character can fall into the Popular Games category. The main character of the games should be interesting and memorable, have an easy character and be brave, so that it would not be scary to get into any adventures with him.

The gameplay of the game is important. Most often, the Popular Games category includes games in which the player is easy to understand and does not need to spend a lot of time trying to figure out the rules of this game.

Most often, Popular Games includes puzzles and logic games, as well as games that office workers love very much - such as Tetris or three in a row, lines and balls. You constantly want to return to such games, so the player does not let go of their gadget in order to be able to return to their favorite game.