This category contains games that take place at a crossroads. Most of the road crossing games are traffic knowledge games.

What is road crossing?

The place where several roads cross each other is called an intersection. From the point of view of traffic rules, an intersection is a very dangerous place. When a driver passes an intersection, he must be extremely careful and attentive.

At the intersection there are cars that go in different directions, and in order for all of them to pass on without hindrance, they need to move in strict accordance with the traffic rules, otherwise the accident cannot be avoided.

Experienced motorists know about all the dangers of intersections, so they are always careful when crossing an intersection.

The crossroads are a symbol of difficulties and the need for choice

Often in songs or literary works you can hear how the character calls a difficult life situation a crossroads. This is because the difficulties that car drivers face when they pass an intersection require a person to concentrate all his feelings and thoughts, and also put a person in front of the need to make a choice. The same thing happens to a person in difficult life situations.

The category road crossing games contains games in which the player needs to drive his character's car through an intersection without breaking the rules. In order to be successful in road crossing games, you need to know the rules of the road.

It is better if the player reads the rules before starting to play - this will save him a lot of trouble. There are many prohibitions: the driver must know what not to do at the intersection.

Rules of conduct for a driver in a car in road crossing games

The driver behind the wheel of the car must let cyclists or pedestrians pass if he is going to make a turn at an intersection. If there is a traffic jam at an intersection, then you cannot go to such an intersection. In such cases, the driver can complicate the already difficult situation at the intersection and cause an emergency.

At the intersection, it is prohibited to overtake a car; for this, the driver may be deprived of his driving license.

If in your game a traffic light regulates the intersection, then it will be easier for you to cross it, because you will only be tedious to follow the traffic lights.

All road crossing games are created so that novice motorists have the opportunity to practice driving in an intersection and test their level of knowledge of traffic rules.

In such games, you can find yourself in an interesting and exciting game world. The section road crossing games presents games with different graphics and details, with an original design and recognizable characters. Such games can be of interest to both experienced drivers and young children who are still growing up and getting a license to drive a car, but in the meantime they can practice their skills and learn the rules of the road. For people who are not interested in cars and driving issues, these games will also seem interesting because of their colorful design and the ability to complete tasks and test their knowledge of traffic rules.