Space Attack

Space Attack

Space Attack

Space Attack is a thrilling browser-based online game that takes you on an exciting journey through the cosmos. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to protect Earth from a barrage of asteroids and small planets for as long as you can. With your mouse as your guide, you'll navigate through space, shooting down threats and collecting ammo along the way. Each level presents a new challenge, with increasing numbers of hits and bonus scores to be earned.

But that's not all! Space Attack also offers a variety of bonuses to enhance your gaming experience. Choose from three types of spaceships, each equipped with a different type of laser, and improve your spaceship's life protection. Whether you're using a mouse or tapping on the screen, Space Attack is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Games Similar to Space Attack

  • Galaxy Warriors: Like Space Attack, this game takes you on a thrilling journey through space. Battle against enemy spaceships and collect power-ups to enhance your ship.

  • Star Blast: This game offers a similar experience to Space Attack, with the player navigating through space and shooting down asteroids. However, Star Blast also includes a multiplayer mode for added excitement.

  • Asteroid Crusher: In this game, you're tasked with protecting your spaceship from incoming asteroids. Like Space Attack, it offers a variety of bonuses and power-ups to enhance your gaming experience.

Advantages of the Game - Space Attack

Space Attack stands out from other browser-based online games for several reasons. Firstly, its engaging gameplay keeps players hooked, with each level offering a new challenge. The variety of spaceships and lasers adds an extra layer of strategy, allowing players to choose the best equipment for each level. Additionally, the game's life protection improvements help players stay in the game longer, increasing their chances of achieving a high score. Lastly, whether you're using a mouse or tapping on the screen, Space Attack is easy to play, making it accessible to gamers of all skill levels.