Many of us loved to hear stories as children. Such stories could be scary or funny, but our friends or relatives told them to us, and these stories were remembered for a long time. Such stories formed the basis of story games.
How do real stories differ from fairy tales or legends?
The main difference between the stories that the boys in the yard or the girls in the back were telling you is that all these stories had a real case. In any case, those who told these stories said so.
The plots in such stories could be very different. Many of them talked about life situations in which ordinary people fell, and in which there was nothing supernatural. Many of them, based on their plot, had just cases related to magic or some kind of supernatural phenomena.
A separate genre of such stories was plots in which the hero of the story found himself in an unexpected situation, when there was a danger to his life, and coped with such a situation thanks to his qualities.
All these stories even received a special name. This genre of urban folklore came to be called "urban stories" or "urban legends".
Who is the hero of the stories behind story games?
While urban stories or legends seem believable, they are often not true. Just like the heroes of such stories or story games, they look like ordinary people, but most often such people do not exist.
Therefore, no matter how terrible the story may be, you should not be afraid of it: it is just a fiction. Urban history is a form of myth or legend, invented by modern people and passed by word of mouth.
Most often, the heroes of such legends and story games are boys or girls from the next street, neighbors or residents living nearby, ordinary people, like those who tell or listen to this story.
What plots can be found in story games?
As in the original stories themselves, you can find in story games plots on the theme of some supernatural events, in which some fabulous creatures like gnomes or fairies act in the modern world. Such stories often duplicate classic fairy tales in their plots.
You can also find plots in which an everyday incident is told, often funny, but more often scary, which happens to ordinary people. Such stories use the words "one boy" or "one woman from the next house." In such story games, the hero meets a creature from a parallel world, but everything ends in his favor.
There are also stories with criminal plots, when the hero has to meet one on one with representatives of the criminal world. Such stories are represented by games of shooters, fights, adventure games and arcades. Separate categories of story games are those in which we are talking about spy intrigue, scouts and detectives. Often such events are associated with secret technologies. Such plots imply elements of the puzzle or detective genre in story games.