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This category contains games that are related to such a concept as "mafia". This concept is closely related to the world of crime and criminality, so mafia games is an opportunity to tickle your own nerves and fill up with adrenaline. After all, mafia games are always very dangerous.

What is the Mafia?

The word "mafia" no longer seems unusual to us, but it has only recently entered the speech of each of us. Italian criminals made this Italian word famous.

This happened when, at the end of the 19th century, a criminal community was formed in Sicily, which afterwards turned into an influential force not only in Italy, but throughout the rest of the world.

The mafia divided its influence by territories, but after the law enforcement agencies began to carry out massive work to eradicate the mafia, it slowly began to lose its strength.

But until now, the mafia is the most popular acting character in TV series and feature films. The mafia's image has been used to create a variety of online mafia games.

In mafia games, which mafia organizations are represented?

The Italian mafia is the most frequent setting in mafia games. In addition to the Italian mafia, other criminal organisations have been and continue to operate across the world.

The Italian mafia, Cosa Nostra, is well-known. One of the most well-known mafia organizations in the world is the Yakuza.

They're the Japanese mafia, and they're usually included as characters in mafia games. This mafia's soldiers are properly trained combatants who are cruel to their foes.

The Chinese mafia Triad, which consists of experts of ancient oriental martial arts who carry out illegal operations all over the world, may also be incorporated in the storyline of mafia games.

In addition, the Irish mafia, Mexican mafia representatives, and the Russian mafia, which are the most extensively represented in the US criminal world, constitute a significant threat.

What types of games are included in the mafia games category?

Games in the mafia games category are most often presented in the genre of shooters and fights, because the mafia conducts criminal activities and occasionally participates in street battles and shootings.

But there are some games in which the character needs to go through an exciting quest and solve complex puzzles.

There are many logic games in which the player needs to solve the presented tasks and solve puzzles in order to complete the task and defeat the mafia.

The main part of mafia games is represented by mixed genres of games, which have elements of racing and shooters, fights and battles, quests and adventures. Most often, in games of this category, the mafia enters into a confrontation with the police, since in real life the police and the mafia are always opposing sides.

If you play games on the side of the mafia, then you will have the opportunity to use different types of weapons that the mafia always has in stock. If you play on the side of the police, then you should confront the mafia in strict accordance with the letter of the law.